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Never stop with one story. Create multiple stories for an interesting and persuasive presentation that will generate discussion about the customer's business problems and how you can solve them


To grow any business on the Internet, you'll need to market strategically to your customers, using content sharing, email marketing, search engine optimization, social media management, and more, to reach your target audience.

The course will cover the basic elements of viral marketing and aims to help you identify your company’s current strengths and weaknesses, areas which require your increased focus and possible new initiatives.

The disciplines covered will give insight to what niche areas your companies need to invest in further with regards.

Your internet marketing strategy
Website best practices
Content writing and PR Buzz Marketing & Word of Mouth
Email marketing done properly (don't become a spammer)
Mobile Marketing (Smartphone marketing)
Social Media
Online Advertising & Affiliate Programs
Search Engine Optimization, Customer Relationship Management
Your internet marketing strategy


This web marketing training course at EMC is for business owners, management heads, content writers, marketers, administration staff and anyone else wanting to learn more about using the web for business. It gives you an insight into the skills and proven techniques to attract your target audience engage them with your words and prompt them to take the action you desire. The day includes lots of practical workshop exercises, real world examples and a healthy dose of discussion about your needs and objectives.


Managers and executive officers in marketing/sales departments, services and CRM, key client managers, product managers, profit center managers.

Each participant will receive handouts

The fee for participation in the Open Program is € 680 (excluding VAT)

The program can be conducted as In House Training for a particular company, in which case it will be taken into account the specific activity of such company. The Training will be custom tailored to the specific needs of the client, stressing issues and topics from the content that represent a particular interest.

The In House Training corresponds with the time conveniences of each company.

The fee for the In House Training is negotiable.

Registration:Viral Marketing 101
Position / Department
Scope of activity
Tax address
Address correspondence *
Phone * Fax
E-mail* Website
ID number VAT number
Въведете символите от картинката:*


* Required fields



I would like to have some time in Sofia before I do it. That is because I have always tailored the FPDP to the working conditions for women in the country they live in. It would be interesting to interview some female professionals when I am in Sofia to know more of the status of the female workforce in Bulgaria. Usually I invite a guest speaker as well (a successful woman) to add some zest to the workshop.

Ms. Christel Sommervold







EU Projects




Quality Certificate