All our units can be seen as self standing workshops. That is to say that each unit can be trained on its own in essence or in depth. However, the list of units can also be seen like a menu. A programme can be created by selecting as many units as appear applicable, to whatever extent the client feels they require.


Essentials of Selling

This unit has proved very useful to new and experienced salespeople alike. It aims to cover the established approaches to the sales process and to show that there is more than one approach available and that it is useful to understand the psychology of buying and of selling. This way, the clever salesperson is more able to create a sales process that is highly individualised, and uniquely adapted to personal strengths whilst compensating for any weaknesses or limitations. The approaches we cover in this unit are: PAIN, Principled & Ethical, Solution Based, Consultative, & Complex Selling Styles, Buying Facilitation, Relationship Management & Development. In its entirety we refer to this as Dolphin Selling; intelligent, independent and adaptable. How to swim with the sharks without becoming one of them.


Communication Skills for Salespeople

This unit deals in depth with interpersonal communication. It is based initially on understanding and identifying different personality types. Once the type or types have been identified, the salesperson is better able to mould their approach to suit the buyer.

The unit also concentrates on the power of words and phrases that are more likely to stimulate the required reaction from the potential client. Participants will also be guided through the essentials of body language and how to exploit this to their advantage.


Sales Team Management & Leadership

Specifically created for managers and would be managers, this unit deals with how best to create, develop and lead a modern sales force. It concentrates on how a manager might best exploit individual skills and to develop temporary project teams that is guaranteed to increase the performance of the individual salespeople and the team as a whole. Much has been written about sales “teams”; however research suggests very strongly that most organisations do not exploit this to its fullest potential. This unit will change that.


Lateral Thinking & Creativity in Selling

Lateral Thinking is concerned with the generation of new ideas and escaping from the restrictions of the traditional linear thought processes. We’ve all heard the phrase “to think outside the box”; but what use is that if we continue to process our thoughts in exactly the same way? We can’t think outside the box if we’re still inside the same box. This unit will introduce the participants to the brilliance of Lateral & Creative Thinking in selling. It will prove that through a few simple steps, an entire new way of generating ideas and solutions is at your disposal. This unit has proved to be a big hit with salespeople, especially in terms of differentiation, presenting solutions and marketing.


Reaching Decision Makers

It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product or offer the finest service in the world if you aren’t talking to the decision makers. To disrupt an existing relationship is not as simple as saying “we’re the best value on the market”. Most salespeople end up talking to people who do not have the power to say “yes”. The people they’re talking to might be able to influence a decision maker to some extent, but they’re not talking to them directly and the power of the message can get lost in translation. The purpose of this unit is to help salespeople to stimulate interest with the decision maker, to deal effectively with gatekeepers and to sell in a style that the decision maker recognises as beneficial to themselves and their company. This unit will also help to accelerate the sales process by cutting out some of the middle managers with little or no buying power.


Successful Selling Behaviour

The all inclusive dos and don’ts for salespeople. This unit will take you from the handshake through to the close by signposting some of the most important psychological moments in the process, the affects and ramifications of actions and how to leverage them to your advantage. And, more importantly, how to avoid some of the major errors made by many salespeople at critical moments. This unit represents a survival kit for the behavioural jungle when selling in the modern age.


Selling to Major Accounts

Ask any salesperson about their ideal prospect and they will tell you that they would love to sell to a major company, with many divisions and business units that could keep them busy for the next few years through referrals within the organisation. However, every salesperson in your field is going for the same account. So, how can you leverage your position so that your company gets the deal? This unit covers the strategies and tactics necessary to leverage your position with these dream clients and increase your success rate.


Creating & Exploiting Value

Selling value is more difficult than ever before. The bar has been raised and everyone must rethink the way the sell value. This unit is designed to take sales & marketing executives through the process of understanding and implementing a proven customer value creation method into the sales process that can achieve measurable performance results. The most effective way to create value is link the sales process tightly with corporate mission and strategy of the target client. This unit is designed to give practical guidance on how to create and sell customer value consistent with the corporate mission.


Stop Cold Calling: Advanced Marketing & Prospecting Techniques for Salespeople

There are very few salespeople in this world who will say that they like making cold calls. Most salespeople absolutely hate it. It makes them feel cold just thinking about it. They suffer rejection after rejection on the search for the client who just happens to need your product or service at that time. Clients hate it because they are bombarded with cold calls every day from salespeople who haven’t worked out that if the client wants something, they’ll go and find it. This unit will guide the participants through some highly innovative marketing approaches that get the client to call you. Not the other way round. These methods have proved successful in all sorts of industries in many different countries. If you don’t know them, then your competition will.


Advanced Negotiating Techniques for Salespeople

This programme looks at how to keep a cool head in the planning, delivery and closing of a negotiation. You will learn how to assess and manage risks should agreement fail, read the non-verbal signals being given out, manage the emotional and behavioural elements, make your bid assertively and secure the desired outcome


Differentiate Yourself from the Competition

If ever company differentiation and customer market focus were important, it is now. Customers are looking for suppliers who can positively impact their performance. This raises the question, "How can we expect to create more value for our customers - through their business performance improvement - if we don't really know their business?"
If you doubt the strength of that statement, then answer the following question? Can you describe the performance goals and objectives for your top five customers? If you can, you're one company in a thousand. If you can't, you're reduced to being a reactive, price-driven supplier. In effect, without knowing your buyer's objectives and goals, your buyers have to ask you for something before you can create any potential value - and even then you're far more likely to be compared on price to your nearest competitor. This unit looks at methods of differentiation in the sales process that have a massive impact on closing business.


Networking Tips & Tricks for Salespeople

All salespeople know they have to network in order that they keep ahead of the competition. But networking is not about having a few drinks with somebody at a cocktail party thrown by one of your suppliers. Networking is something that some people have turned into an art. Don’t wait till you are thirsty before you start digging a well.





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