23/01/2024Contact seminar for Logistics in Vienna
22/01/20242nd workshop in Bruges, Belgium:
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EMC Chronology



In Partnership with Teleios Team Members it was able to organize a series of trainings about "strategic marketing and communications", "human resources", "public relations", "Leadership creation", "Strategic management for leaders" with foremost consultants Mr. Levar Chris, Mr. Roz Harlingen and Mr. Dot Palmer Fry.
In the context of the cooperation between EMC and the British Executive Service Overseas (BESO), a development agency, seminars for entrepreneurs in Bulgarian Public Relations Activities were organized as well as seminars of "Tools and latest Prospects" and "English for Business Communication", within the stake of Mr. Malcolm Bird.
COS Group Austria Germany Bulgaria Poland Romania
During the partnership with COS Groupe Austria a series of trainings in Sofia and in Baden, Austria, were realized: "General management for managers of logistics firms", "Financial Management for professionals", "cost minimizing in companies", "Crisis Management", "Turnover maximizing", "Controlling for professionals" and others. Attendants of the seminars: Mr. Helmut Prener, Mr. Martin Kappel, Mr. Gerhard Hamarshmid, Ms. Gabriele Grasiger and others.

The EMC has obtained a license from the Center for Vocational Training and has started working on international projects and creating partnership networks. The EMC team is specialized in developing and managing projects under the European Structural Funds.
On the 12th and 13th of June the international conference "Corporate Social Responsibility /CSR/ Small and Medium Enterprises and consultative institutions in Bulgaria" was detained as a result of initiation and active participation of EMC. Under the auspices of the Organization for Industrial Development UN / UNIDO, with the support of the Bulgarian Network of the UN Global Compact and the company BBLF Tandem Ltd, aim of this conference was to discuss the benefits and the experience of socially responsible business and how companies can gain competitive advantages.

A series of trainings with following topic was held: "Effective management of tourism, factors for success and best practice in Austria". The trainings were conducted in partnership with team4tourism and the comunity of Baden. Approved models of Managing logistic challances in the range of touristical journeys were presented as well as profitable marketing strategies to increase sales of travel services. The participants, managers of the hotel and tourist industry, were able to visit the largest tourism fair, which is annually organized in Vienna (Ferien Messe Wien).

At the initiative of the European Management Centre the Bulgarian-Austrian Management Forum was organized and conducted in Sofia.
In recent years, the Centre actively advanced the increase of Bulgarian-Austrian business contacts by providing knowledge and expertise through the transfer of Know-how in the field of training. The Forum was attended by managers, colleagues and associates of Bulgarian companies, which are both partners of Austria and Bulgaria.