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22/01/20242nd workshop in Bruges, Belgium:
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Corporate Identity
Customers and competition analysis
Working with the public at the NPO
5 steps to introduce the social marketing
Budgeting-NGO strategy profile activities
Why budgeting?
NPO budgeting techniques
Budgeting errors
Planning - the activity-under stress of circumstances, to change into
Business planning at the NPO
Strategy and Business Plan
Step-by-step reports preparation
Balanced Score Card as an instrument for application - activity plan
Negotiations, tactical negotiating -NGO specifics
Roles of negotiator
Negotiation techniques
Practise on situations for conduct of negotiations


Case study of Non profit organizations
Personnel Development
Recruitment and selection - employees
Human efficiency
Stress management
Techniques for Development


MMag.Irene Knava Mag.Helmut Prenner
Irene Knava works for already 17 years as manager in the field of culture (e.g. the Danube Festival in Upper Austria); since 2000 she is the manager of the tickets distribution and marketing and fundraising at the Theatre of Josephstadt.
Winner of first prize at the Austrian Fundraising Awards 2005 for “Charity” donation campaign at Josephstadt Theatre
She has graduated from Vienna University, major Theatre Science (a combination between History of Arts, German Studies and Philosophy). She has studied commerce with Vienna Economic University and Postgraduate Studies on “Management of Culture” at the High School of Music and Fine Arts.
She has specialized in controlling (Austrian Controlling Institute), Fundraising (University of Indiana, USA)). Trainer in adults training (WIFI Vienna)
She is a lecturer at the Vienna University (“Marketing of Culture") and the High School of Music and Fine Arts in Vienna (Special subject: Fine Arts).
Lectures and seminars on the subjects: Marketing, Sponsoring, Fundraising, Controlling, as well as at the Austrian Congress of Fundraising, the Volunteers Academy, the Institute of International Research, Polycollege, Webster University, the High School of Music and Fine Arts, the Danube University at Krems.
2002-2004: Member of the Managing Board of the Austrian Fundraising Union - FMA